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  1. hayz

    hayz Porno Junky

    Sep 7, 2010
    My wife has agreed to give anal a try I want to make it pleasurable as I can for her any tips and advice would be most welcome as this will be a first for us and I'm hoping not the last.
  2. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    When I suggest something different sexualy with my wife it's usually when we're in bed fucking around. No, excuse me, it's not usually, it's always when we're in bed. When did your wife agree to this, over dinner? What's the hold up? What did you tell the wife, you have to Google search for directions first? You two making big plans for this? Use common fuckin sense, that's all.
  3. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    Anal sex with wives comes in three varieties. She makes you stop. She waits til later to tell you she hated it. She gets into it. Which one you get, is totally up to you.

    Since you asked, I'll give the best coaching I can. The anus is a very flexible muscle, but the brain spends more time trying to keep it closed and really doesn't have any way to make it open voluntarily. This means it has to be stretched manually. Stretching slowly and gradually is the key to a good time for both of you.

    The best way to start is to show her how an orgasm feels with something in her ass. Put her with her ass on the edge of the bed. Have your lube on the floor by your knees. Eat her pussy and as she relaxes and enjoys that, press a well lubed finger to her asshole. Go slow. It shouldn't take much pressure, unless you have really large fingers. Keep this up till she comes. You're halfway there. Next, you'll need the standard housewife's friend vibrator. It has a pointed tip, which is perfect for slowly dilating her asshole. Keep your mouth on her pussy and repeat as you did with your finger, but take about twice as much time. There's no need to hurry.

    A word about lube. Use a lot, but pay attention. You're stretching a muscle and the lube makes it possible to go to fast. Press a little and back off. Press and hold. Her asshole will slowly stretch and the vibe will enter with no resistance. Once she has cum with the vibrator in her ass, it's time for the real show. My favorite technique for a woman's first time(I know, it's hard to imagine an anal virgin in the 21st century, but I started a long time ago) is to put her on her left side with her right knee pulled up. Straddle her left leg and put your cock against her asshole. Take her hand and place it against your stomach. This gives her a feeling of control. She doesn't actually have any, but it helps if she thinks she does. Tell her to press back if you go too fast. Be careful if you have a hairy stomach, because she is likely to wrap her fingers in the hair and pull you into her. That is, if you've done everything right.

    Once you are all the way in, you can change position, on her back, or on her knees. Her asshole will stay stretched for about about 20 minutes, so you can pull out and reenter without going through the stretching again. After that, your on your own. Always relube her orgasms.

    Another word about lube. The anus is piece of heavy duty hardware. It does a tough job and does it well. It's a lot tougher than your cock. At this point, the lube is for you, not her. The skin of a penis is very thin and if she goes dry when it's getting really good, you'll pay for it in the morning.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. hayz
      sound like a fun evening thanks for the advice
      hayz, Nov 9, 2016
  4. Oregonmarine75

    Oregonmarine75 Porno Junky

    Dec 30, 2012
    Slow. Baby oil. Slow.
  5. generationY

    generationY Porn Star

    Jun 10, 2015
    One thing I would add to @Bron Zeage advice - time. More of it. I do it in a very similar fashion... Make her cum with something small in her ass, bring her to orgasm with something in her ass right from the start, then slightly bigger and so on. I just do it over the course of a few days or even weeks if the girl never had pleasureable anal sex before. It's your wife, so no need to rush. If you do it right from the start, you can have her ass whenever.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    Weeks? Sorry, I never went on a first date that lasted weeks.
  7. Sinn&Toast

    Sinn&Toast Amateur

    Sep 11, 2016
    Let her play with your ass too! She'll be more open to anal if It's not just her ass getting explored. Since you've never done it she might be over thinking and more worried about impressing you than relaxing and having fun.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. hayz
      I'm not against this and have offered that as an option she said she will i wanted her too but was not that into the idea
      hayz, Nov 9, 2016
  8. generationY

    generationY Porn Star

    Jun 10, 2015
    I preffer at least a couple weeks before marriage. Might just be me.
  9. Riskykristi1

    Riskykristi1 Porn Star

    Mar 15, 2012
    Small finger action for short time while giving her oral. Let her decide if she wants it more.
    1. hayz
      thanks and of course I will be as slow or as fast as she wants I want her to enjoy this too and not hurt her that's why I'm asking here
      hayz, Nov 9, 2016
  10. lowkeybate

    lowkeybate Amateur

    Jun 14, 2016
    Eat her pussy for about 15 mins real good... get her nice and wet... stick your tongue in her ass for a second... it will lighten the mood and ease her into it... lube lots of lube... let her glide on your cock... you dont push after its all the way in sit there for a second... then proceed
  11. hayz

    hayz Porno Junky

    Sep 7, 2010
    thanks for all the tips looks like we will have a fun night ahead of us
  12. Im_a_cunt

    Im_a_cunt Sex Lover

    Oct 19, 2016
    Lots of lube and very slow :)
  13. arturo69

    arturo69 Porno Junky

    Dec 1, 2015
    Spot on. Slow and slippery is the way to go.
  14. Петро хуй с ведро

    Петро хуй с ведро Porn Surfer

    Oct 22, 2016

  15. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    ....and it's that time again for the gazillionth repost of;

    Anal Sex 101:
    I tend to repost these tips often enough that I might as well just add them here. Hope they help!

    Well, I absolutely love anal sex and am fortunate now in having the ability to control my muscles to the point I can relax and enjoy at will (or who knows, maybe I'm just no longer anal retentive hehe)....Anywho, here are some very basic thoughts for those wanting to try this and what I commonly suggest to those asking.

    **Cleaning**...*yes, the icky part yet worth learning*.....

    DO NOT until experienced do the whole enema route thing as it will just tense you up. In fact, if you're intestinally healthy it won't be an issue anywho. What that means is when we defecate we tend to simply void the rectum and possibly the sigmoid colon if healthier, and perhaps even a bit of the descending colon if truly inspired......

    When our colon is healthy it produces a LOT of mucous. That mucous is so slick you can have anal sex by it alone (and a little lube or spit to initially pass the anus). That mucous besides protecting the colon also allows your stool to slip through easily and completely. Fiber and like foods they suspect scratch the walls, and so in defense the colon makes more mucous.

    So by being healthy, being hydrated, and helping your colon to be healthy you will have better and more complete bowel movements, so anal sex will be a clean and less uncomfortable affair.........Gross perhaps, yet whether practicing anal sex or not it's good advice for everyone.

    That said, on to it:
    1. Booze or other relaxing "medications" help a lot....Though numbing the sensation they do help you to relax. So, feel free to use them when learning how to receive anal sex.

    2. Use a high quality lubricant like one of the "empowered products" line specifically designed for anal sex. By far I have found their lubricants far exceeding any other. Avoid oils for massage, or thick gels like Vaseline.

    3. Don't use a numbing, heating, or desensitizing lubricant. Numbing will do nothing when it gets to the sphincter just the anus, and it is really the sphincter where 99% of the resistance is and pain comes from. The others like warming lubes and the like actually irritate the skin via chemical burns or abrasion.

    4. Don't do all the poking and probing with your fingers or all the stretching many suggest. Finger prints are rough and will cause a burning sensation. Seriously, by the time you go through all the pain of fingers poking around, 2 seconds after they're out you clench right back up again and may even be even tighter and more tender. That's what the sphincter muscle is meant to do.

    5. Don't do it on all fours, or on your belly. Lay on your back and set your feet against the wall/partners chest/over his shoulders or something higher then you are laying and lift up to stay away from their cock and lower down when ready. The point of that is, the very motion to lower in that position automatically relaxes the very muscles that are resisting. Any other position until used to anal the muscles will reflexively clench.

    The trick there too guys is to let the receiver move (person getting fucked), not the person doing the penetrating. How it will very likely play out is the person will lower enough that the tip of the penis will just pass through their anus and into the anal crypt (a little pocket between the anus/external pucker and the sphincter muscle. It is there at the sphincter where all of the pain will originate from and what must really open up.

    A man's dick is NOT sensitive enough to find that opening, and you can miss causing great pain, and then it really will clench down if you push off to the side of it....Let the receiver move, they will find it and then begin to lower. Again that motion of lowering will relax the muscle reflexively, and at that point the head of the penis will begin to slip though. The sphincter section is only roughly a half inch long, once through it the tough part is done...BUT...

    6. Once your partner's cock just passes your sphincter (anus first, anal pocket or crypt, then sphincter then rectum), stop for a while. You'll sweat, get hot and cold, feel washed out and exhausted all sorts of things....However when you/it relaxes, and you will really feel it when it happens, move slow at first and take a lot of time before picking up the pace.

    Once the sphincter accepts that something is passing through it of a particular size it will relax, trust in that. Those sensations described above are actually quite good once you get over being afraid of them. A woman or man will discover that anal penetration for the receiver is incredibly intense in a pleasurable way. You just have to see them for that, and then they'll ease off and it is nothing but pleasure.

    Finally as to this portion, the rectum (part of the intestine the cock will be into), in and off itself does not have a lot of sensation past "feeling full"...Pretty much all of the pain that MIGHT happen coming from the sphincter. So once past that, just sit back and enjoy.

    7. A man's cock is the perfect shape for anal penetration. The only way it would work better is if could start soft then get hard. If your man's cock is too large for your first try (yeah yeah I know, they're all too large the first time) consider a modest sized dildo, or better still various sized ones gradually working your way up over numerous well spaced sessions (not all in one sitting) as you learn how to receive anal sex........However know, a real cock used gently is much easier than any dildo.

    8. Enough successful times in a row and you will learn to really enjoy it. Learn to enjoy it to the point you may want it more and more as for the receiver it can be very intense. You will also learn how to relax at will making the whole thing pleasurable......However, one painful unsuccessful time may end it forever.

    9. Men WILL grow tired of it. Men tell me for all intents and purposes the grip is about equal to getting a handjob with someone just using their thumb and forefinger.

    10. A vibrator that she controls on her clit during will also make the experience just that much better....HOWEVER....I suggest not using one for the first few times in that it can distract you from the experience until you get used to it.....Fingers rubbing her clit be they his or hers however are fine.

    11. Lastly, **NO vaginal or oral sex until after you and your partner have bathed!**...You'll figure out why after one hellacious bacterial infection in your coochie let alone getting E.coli. by sucking cock.


    Hush.....an alias
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